Annual Membership Meeting 2014

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 18 January 2014.  There were 275 door prize tickets handed out, and 2 or 3 more members arrived after the meeting got started.  The meeting procedures were again fairly smooth this year, even though 79 members paid their annual dues at the meeting, and there were more raffle prizes available than last year.

The meeting began a little late at 6:05 PM to allow the raffle and ticket area to be cleaned up.  The meeting agenda included the pledge of allegiance, and moment of silence for deceased members Dennis Dunrud, Don Kelland, Robert Kunz, Jerry Marshall, John Meek, and Joe Simpson.  The meeting continued with the reports of the officers and committee chairpersons, and elections of new officers.  The new officers and directors are:

The old and new business portions of the meeting had interesting, and sometimes funny, discussions of dues increases or fee assessments for regular and life members.  Since there had not been a notice sent to members about voting on bylaws changes at the annual meeting, no official changes could be made, but we were able to get opinions and a sense of what the membership felt about cost increases.  Two things were pretty clear:  (1) there was agreement by both life and regular members on whether to implement a $25 basic membership fee for all members to cover fixed costs (the show of hands was a fairly solid "yes"); and (2) there was an equivalent feeling to not increase the regular member cap above the current 500 regular members. Part of the reason for this was that the number of life members is expected to increase substantially over the next 3 to 5 years, and adding more regular members would put too much of a strain on the club's facilities. For instance, the annual meeting is already crowded, and ranges are experiencing increasing use on weekends each year.

Changes to the bylaws must be done by the procedures contained in Article IV, Sections 4 and 5, and Article XIII, Section 1, of the bylaws.  A copy of the bylaws is contained on the club's web site under "The Board" menu item on the left side of the window.  Members can expect to see a mailing calling a special meeting, which will probably occur at the annual picnic, later this Spring.  The topics for consideration will probably include the basic fee, changes in life member rules, and electronic notices and voting.  The mailing will include information about all of the topics to be brought up for a vote.

At the end of the business meeting Chuck McClaugherty talked about the need to replace our Windows XP and Millenium Edition PC workstations with new hardware and software, and asked members to pass the hat at the meeting and contribute if they were able.  We raised over $1,825 in about 5 minutes.

TThe following people won tag prizes this year.  The numbers from 2013 are included for comparison, but the same people did not win in 2013.  The numbers, rather than the winners, are only for comparison.

Category Position Member 2014 # 2013 #
Pheasant tail 1 Keith Steffen 21 inches 23.75 inches
  2 Jim Tillery 18 inches 20 inches
  3 Chuck McClaugherty 16.75 inches 19 inches
Turkey beard   no entries   10.25 inches
Trout 1 Eric Hopper 29.0 inches 24.5 inches
  2 Vaughn Hansen 24.375 inches 18.5 inches
  2 Bob Bigej 19.75 inches  
Steelhead 1 Jim Beyer 12.5 lbs  
  2 Vaughn Hansen 8.0 lbs  
Spring Chinook   no entries   26 lbs
Fall Chinook 1 Eric Hopper 24.1 lbs 32 lbs
Black tail deer 1 Brad Snodgrass 34 30.75
  2 Justin Wolf 31.25 24.75
  3 Brent Gianella 29.5 23.25
White tail deer   no entries   32
Mule deer 1 David Craig 45 41.75
  2 Jim Warn 41.5 40
  3 Walter Cate 38.25 35.25
Roosevelt Elk 1 Justin Wolf 73.375 55.375
  2 Tom Mitchell 50.875  
  3 Homes Tupper 45  
Rocky Mountain Elk 1 Jim Warn 74.25 81.5
  2 Daro Powlison 60.125 55.5
  3 Hugh Boyle 48.125 51.875
Skunk drawing   Max Klaetsch    

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

Millar's Hiway Tire (Steve Millar and Ken Pellett) donated a Ruger 10/22 takedown rifle, and Adrian Fisher donated a Ruger American rifle in .22-250.  The proceeds of these raffles are used for CRGC's junior shooter programs.  The winners were:

The volunteers who work on the annual meeting are essential to the success of the meeting.  It is the largest and most costly event of the year for CRGC, and would not be possible without the volunteer help.  If you see one of the volunteers, and you think they've done the job well, then please tell them.