Annual Membership Meeting 2013

Thursday, 24 January 2013

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 19 January 2013.  There were 287 door prize tickets handed out.  This meeting exceeded last year's record number of attendees, and the meeting procedures were much smoother than previous years, despite selling a record 8,855 fund raiser tickets, including 2,946 sold at the meeting, and having more raffle prizes.  There were also 70 members who paid their annual dues at the meeting.

The meeting began a bit late at 6:10 PM to allow the raffle and ticket area to be cleaned up so the kitchen crew could do their work.  The meeting agenda included the pledge of allegiance, and moment of silence for deceased members Errol Eshaia, Dick Keyser, Harold Nunn, and Larry Whitman.  The meeting continued with the reports of the officers and committee chairpersons, and elections of new officers.  The new officers and directors are:

President (at the time) Jim Burdett reported on the second offer for the purchase of the property which had just been received two days prior to the meeting.  After some discussion about CRGC's options, Jim asked for a show of hands by the members present on whether they wanted the board of directors to research the options for CRGC to make an offer on the property.  The members indicated, by a large majority, that they wished to have the board to examine CRGC's alternatives, and to report back to the membership.  (It should be noted that the board, at its regular meeting on Monday, 21 January 2013, did begin the process of gathering information, and appointed a committee to look into what might be done, and at what cost.)

TThe following people won tag prizes this year:

Category Position Member #
Pheasant tail 1 Wayne Russell 23.75 inches
  2 Bob Bigej 20 inches
  2 Ken Russell 20 inches
  3 Chuck McClaugherty 19 inches
Turkey beard 1 Kris Pokorny 10.25 inches
  2 Norman Colvin 8.75 inches
Spring Chinook 1 Larry Arndt 26.0 lbs
  2 Keith Steffen 24.0 lbs
  3 Steve Turner 17.5 lbs
Fall Chinook 1 Mike Cameron 32.0 lbs
  2 Bob Bigej 30.0 lbs
  3 Keith Steffen 26.0 lbs
Steelhead   no entries  
Trout 1 Gary Wise 24.5 inches
  2 Larry Arndt 18.5 inches
Rocky Mountain Elk 1 Bryce Purtzer 81.5
  2 John Adair 55.5
  3 Red Knox 51.875
Roosevelt Elk 1 Scott Carr 55.375
Mule deer 1 Jim Warn 41.75
  2 Dennis Kenagy 40
  3 Jay Spillum 35.25
Black tail deer 1 Tony Heckard 30.75
  2 Brent Gianella 24.75
  3 Jim Tillery 23.25
White tail deer 1 Larry Ziegler 32
  2 Gary Stockwell 24.25
Skunk drawing   Michael Piercy  

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

Millar's Hiway Tire (Steve Millar and Ken Pellett) donated a Savage Axis with scope in .25-06, and Adrian Fisher donated a Savage Axis rifle and scope in .223 Remington.  The proceeds of these raffles are used for CRGC's junior shooter programs.  The winners were:

It is hard to over-emphasize the importance of the volunteers to the success of the annual meeting.  It is the largest and most costly event of the year for CRGC, and would not be possible without the uncomplaining volunteer help.  If you see one of the volunteers, and you think they've done the job well, then please tell them.

All you have to do to join this most excellent group of members is to volunteer yourself - just talk with the current president each year, and you too can be "mentioned in dispatches" (to quote the British military phrase) to the CRGC membership.