Annual Membership Meeting 2012

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 21 January 2012.  There were 282 door prize tickets handed out, and we think at least one member who arrived late did not get one, so the total number of attendees was at least 282.  It was the best attended meeting we have ever had, and it generally ran smoothly, except for making the distribution of door prizes happen faster.

The meeting began a few minutes late at 6:05 PM while the last members in line to pay their annual dues were still being processed.  The meeting agenda included the pledge of allegiance, and moment of silence for deceased members Dick Anderson, Errol Eshaia, Virgil Mays, Jim Phelps, Gary Pruitt, and Jerry Taylor.  The meeting continued with the reports of the officers and committee chairpersons, and elections of new officers.  The officers and directors are:

The only new business brought up at the meeting was discussion by Jake Burroughs requesting the club to support the American Cancer Society.  A motion was made to make a contribution, seconded, and passed on a voice vote.

TThe following people won tag prizes this year:

Category Position Member #
Pheasant tail 1 Wayne Russell 24 inches
  2 Ken Russell 23 3/8 inches
  3 Loy Russell 22 1/2 inches
Turkey beard 1 John Lane 8 5/8 inches
Spring Chinook 1 Chuck McClaugherty 27.95 lbs
  2 Joe Dula 23.5 lbs
  3 Larry Arndt 23.0 lbs
Fall Chinook 1 Eric Hopper 26.0 lbs
Steelhead   no entries  
Trout 1 Bob Yoder 25.5 inches
  2 Larry Arndt 14.0 inches
Rocky Mountain Elk 1 Brandon Ayres 75 1/4 inches
Bull elk   no entries  
Spike elk   no entries  
Mule deer 1 Greg Larrison 40 3/4 inches
  2 Gary Stockwell 33 3/4 inches
  3 Loy Russell 22 3/4 inches
Black tail deer 1 Brett Gianella 23 1/4 inches
  2 Dale Smelser 23 inches
  3 Jim Burdett 15 1/8 inches
White tail deer   no entries  
Skunk drawing   Ron Fullerton  

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

Millar's Hiway Tire (Steve Millar and Ken Pellett) donated a Ruger Mk-III pistol, and Adrian Fisher donated a Savage Axis rifle and scope in .223 Remington.  The proceeds of these raffles are used for CRGC's junior shooter programs.  The winners were:

The set-up crew included:  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Mark Fleming, Dennis Kenagy, John Lane, L.C. Parshall, Bob Ray, Paul Shuey, and Glen Watson.
The cash counters were:  Rod Beck, Dennis Berreth, Mark Fleming, John Lane, Richard Phaneuf, and Glen Watson.
The kitchen crew included:  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Gordon Jeskey, Dennis Kenagy, Bob Ray, Ken Russell, Brent Schaefer, Nick Sorenson, Dave Trowbridge, and Homes Tupper.
The raffle tables were manned by:  Bob Hogan (door prize tickets), Dwight Bond, Joe Dula, Darrell Nicholson, and David Scott.
The trophy (fur, fin, and feathers) prizes were run by Loy Russell and Howard Wurdinger.
The clean-up crew included:  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Wayne DeVore, Joe Dula, Jennifer Kunzman, and Debra Sheehan.
Julie Postlewait ran the courtesy car.