Annual Membership Meeting 2010

Sunday, 17 January 2010

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 16 January 2010.  There were 232 door prize tickets handed out, and at least 5 more people arrived after the prizes were awarded, for a total of more than 237 attendees.  It was also one of the best meetings we have ever had in terms of a smooth operation, a good meeting, lots of very good prizes, and an excellent meal.

The meeting began a few minutes late at 6:12 PM to allow the last members in line to pay their annual dues.  The meeting agenda included the pledge of allegiance, a moment of silence for deceased members John Champ and Harlan Veenker, reports of the officers and committee chairpersons, and elections of new officers.  The new officers and directors are:

The only new business brought up at the meeting was discussion by Jake Burroughs requesting the club to support the Cancer ???.  The discussion failed for lack of a second, and the meeting was closed.

TThe following people won tag prizes this year:

Category Position Member #
Pheasant tail 1 Larry Arndt 23 3/4 inches
  2 Bob Bigej 21 7/8 inches
  3 Joe Dula 20 1/2 inches
Turkey beard 1 Vaughn Hansen 10 inches
  2 Chris Carlgren 4 1/2 inches
Spring Chinook 1 Spud Sperb 22.4 lbs
  2 Ron Schoenborn 22 lbs
Fall Chinook   no entries  
Steelhead 1 Keith Steffen 22 lbs
  2 Vaughn Hansen 9 lbs
  2 Ron Schoenborn 9 lbs
Trout   no entries  
Bull elk 1 John Zieg 75 1/4 inches
  2 Justin Wolf 73 1/8 inches
  3 Howard Wurdinger 59 inches
Spike elk   no entries  
Mule deer 1 Daro Powlison 26 1/4 inches
  2 Blake Powlison 25 1/4 inches
  3 Mike Schmader 23 3/4 inches
Black tail deer 1 Dave Scott 33 3/4 inches
  2 Joe Dula 31 1/2 inches
  3 Justin Wolf 31 1/8 inches
White tail deer   no entries  
Skunk drawing   John Adair  

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

There were several expensive items donated this year.  Millar's Hiway Tire (Steve Millar and Ken Pellett) donated Leupold binoculars, and Adrian Fisher donated a Savage R97 rifle in .17HMR, the proceeds of which are used for CRGC's junior shooter programs.  Dave Traaen donated a Remington model 597 rifle in .22 LR.  Bill Doak donated the Traeger Little Tex grill he won at the 2009 annual picnic.  The winners of the raffles were:

Incidentally, Don Willams also has donated the Traeger back to the club to raffle again.  This is turning out to be a really beneficial item for the youth programs, as CRGC has netted more than $1,200 from the raffles so far.

The set-up crew included:  Jim Burdett, Dennis Kenagy, John Lane, Richard Phaneuf, Daniel Smith, and Glen Watson.  The cash counters were:  Rod Beck, Dennis Berreth, John Lane, Richard Phaneuf, and Glen Watson.  The kitchen crew included:  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Gordon Jeskey, Dennis Kenagy, Sam Kriegshauser, Jennifer Kunzman, Bob Ray, Brent Schaefer, Nick Sorenson, and Homes Tupper.  The raffle tables were manned by:  Bob Hogan (door prize tickets), Jennifer Kunzman, Darrell Nicholson, and David Scott.  The trophy (fur, fin, and feathers) prizes were run by Loy Russell and Howard Wurdinger.  The clean-up crew included:  Jim Burdett, Gordon Jeskey, Jennifer Kunzman, Ben Millar, Daniel Smith, and Larry Uhre.  Julie Postlewait ran the courtesy car.