Annual Membership Meeting

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

The annual membership meeting was held at the clubhouse on the evening of Saturday, 19 January 2008.  The agenda included a moment of silence for deceased members, reports of the officers and committee chairmen, and elections of new officers.  The new officers are:

There was no old or new business brought up at the meeting.

The board voted this year to have tag prize awards for Roosevelt and Rocky Mountain elk, and to add a category for white tail deer.  The following people won tag prizes this year:

Category Position Member #
Pheasant tail 1 Walt Trapp Jr 21 1/4 inches
  2 Larry Arendt 20 1/4 inches
  3 Chuck McClaugherty 18 5/8 inches
Turkey beard 1 Larry Arendt 8 inches
  2 Grant Garner 2 1/8 inches
Spring Chinook 1 Keith Steffen 16 lbs
Fall Chinook 1 Spud Sperb 37 lbs
  2 Derald Magnuson 35 lbs
  3 Eric Hopper 22 lbs
Steelhead 1 Eric Hopper 14 lbs, 4 oz
  2 Ron Schoenborn 14 lbs
Trout 1 Ron Schoenborn 17 1/2 inches
Rocky Mountain elk 1 Justin Wolfe 72 1/4
  2 Gordon Ross 61 1/4
Spike elk   no entries  
Roosevelt elk 1 Dennis Kenagy 56 1/8
  2 Homes Tupper 46 1/2
Mule deer 1 Vaughn Hansen 40 1/4
  2 Eric Hopper 38 3/4
  3 John Pursley 34 3/4
Black tail deer 1 Tim Faist 31 3/4
  2 Gordon Ross 27 1/4
  3 Homes Tupper 24 3/8
White tail deer 1 Gary Stockwell  
Skunk drawing   Rob Pellet  

The winners of the fund raiser prizes were:

The clean-up crew included:  Hugh Boyle, Jim Burdett, Dennis Kenagy, Dan Postlewait, Bruce Robbins, and Homes Tupper.