Military Rifle Shoot Results

The second military rifle shoot of 2012 was held today on CRGC's 100 yard range.  There were 6 shooters (and 3 lookers) with 8 rifles who fired the Civilian Marksmanship Program's As-Issued Military Rifle Match Course A.  This match consists of 3 stages of 10 shots for record in each stage, plus up to 5 sighting shots during the first stage.  There are a total of 300 points possible.  The first stage (prone position) takes at most 15 minutes.  Stage 2 (standing to prone position) is 80 seconds, and stage 3 (standing position) is at most 10 minutes.  The course of fire uses the NRA SR-1 targets.  (The NRA SR target is a 200 yard target, and the SR-1 is a 50% smaller target for use at 100 yards.)  See pages 24 to 27 of for a description of "as-issued" rifles, and Table 7 on page 53 for the description of Course A.

The order of finish was:

Shooter Rifle Score X count
Tim DelGrosso M-1 Garand 271 3
Tim DelGrosso Mauser 24/47 267 1
Doug Phaneuf M-1 Garand 254 2
Tim DelGrosso Moisin-Nagant 251 1
Doug Phaneuf M-1 Garand 249 1
Al Kitzmiller M-14 247 0
Mark Fleming M-4 244 1
Kiel Adkins M-16A2 242 0
Al Kitzmiller M-14 232 2
Mark Fleming M-4 229 0
Ron Adkins M-16A2 228 0

The next CMP shoot is scheduled for Saturday, 6 October 2012. : We will shoot CMP Course B at least twice, and maybe one Course A.  Sign-up starts at 08:30 AM, and first shots should be fired by 9:00 AM.  Keep an eye on the calendar or the What's New section for more information.

For those who would like to try their hand at shooting a Course A or Course B practice, we have the NRA SR-1 targets in the range shed, and they cost $0.35 each.  Either 3, 4, or 5 targets will be needed, depending upon whether you plan on shooting sighting shots before starting the course of fire, and whether you are shooting Course A (3 targets) or Course B (4 targets).