Second Military Rifle Shoot Results

The second military rifle shoot this year was held today on CRGC's 100 yard range, and a small band of hardy shooters braved the warmish rain to compete.  We fired the Civilian Marksmanship Program's As-Issued Military Rifle Match Course A, consisting of 3 stages and a total of 30 rounds (totalling 300 points), not counting up to 5 sighting shots.  The first stage (prone) takes at most 15 minutes.  Stage 2 (standing to prone) is 80 seconds, and stage 3 (standing) is at most 10 minutes.  The course of fire uses the NRA SR-1 targets. 

We had one or more of each of the following rifles at the match:  M-1 Garand, M-14 or Springfield M-1A (the civilian equivalent of the M-14), M-4 carbine, and Mauser K98.  Anyone who shot .30-06, .308 (7.62mm), 7.62x39, or .223 (5.56mm) caliber rifles was required to use ammunition purchased from CRGC at wholesale cost.  Those who fired other calibers of ammunition were required to use military ammunition appropriate to their firearm.  No hand loads were allowed.  In addition to the cost of the ammunition, there was a $3.00 match fee.

The top three shooters were:
Shooter Rifle Score
Doug Phaneuf M-1 Garand 248
Richard Phaneuf  M-14 / M-1A 236
Bob Ray M-14 / M-1A 213

The scores were a little lower this time, and at lunch afterwards we discussed the reasons that might have caused it.  (No one wanted to admit they had just had a lousy day, or possibly needed more practice.)  The proposed reasons were:

The other reasons were less believable.