CRGC Open to All Users

The CRGC Board of Directors at it's regular meeting on Monday, 4/20/2020, voted to implement protective procedures and reopen the club facilities to users and groups that comply with those rules and procedures.  The date at which this change will take place is at 5:00 pm on Friday, 4/24/2020, which will give time to have the procedure documents printed and displayed around the club facilities.  After that date, CRGC will again welcome families and guests of members, and events like NRA classes and shooting activities, that can operate under the temporary rules and procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The rules and procedures will be displayed in many locations around the club grounds and facilities to ensure that all users are aware of their responsibilities.  In addition, copies of the documents are contained on this web site, and can by found by clicking on the COVID-19 menu item at the left side of this web page, or by clicking on the links in the list below.

If you need more information, please speak with a CRGC board member, or send an e-mail to, which will be redirected to the appropriate person.