CRGC Closed to Non-members

Pursuant to Oregon Executive Order 20-12, a copy of which can be found here, CRGC is closed to non-members until further notice.  The executive order is not well written, and is inconsistent, and requires some interpretation to determine its specific application, but the intent and some parts of the order are applicable to CRGC.  This notice is to provide specific guidance about the application of the Executive Order to CRGC.

Since CRGC is not a public area or a retail business, or one of the listed businesses in EO 20-12, paragraph 2, the order bears close reading.  The applicable parts of EO 20-12 appear to be:  paragraphs 1.a (limits application), 1.c (limits "social distancing"), 1.d (outside recreational activities), 18 (excludes RV parks), 21 (signage and sanitation), and 22 (travel to and, presumably, provision of, education, and essential business and government services).

Accordingly, CRGC will:

You may expect to see new signage regarding limitations on the use of enclosed areas, or required procedures for training operations.  These signs may change over the duration of EO 20-12, as we meet new conditions, so please make sure you read the postings at the range gate and clubhouse, and on this web site to keep abreast of requirements.  Please follow the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for social distancing and sanitation.

If you need more information, please speak with a CRGC board member, or send an e-mail to, which will be redirected to the appropriate person.